How to find the best place for car removal services in Perth

Smart Ways to Increase Scrap Car Value

If you have an old car that no longer serves its purpose, turning it into cash through a scrap car removal service is smart. However, getting the best value for your scrap car requires a bit of strategy. Here are some smart ways to increase the scrap car value and make the most out of your old vehicle.

Understand the Factors Affecting Scrap Car Value

Before diving into the process, it’s crucial to understand the factors that influence the value of a scrap car. Elements like the vehicle’s make, model, age, condition, and weight play a significant role. Additionally, the current market demand for scrap metal and salvageable parts can impact the overall value.

Complete a Thorough Inspection

Conduct a detailed assessment of your car’s condition. Check for salvageable parts, functional components, and the overall state of the vehicle. The more information you have about the car’s condition, the better you can negotiate and present it to scrap car removal services.

Remove Valuable Parts Before Scrapping

If your car has functional and valuable parts, consider removing them before sending it for scrap. Components like the battery, alternator, starter motor, and entertainment system could have resale value. Sell these parts separately to maximise your returns.

Compare Scrap Car Removal Services

Not all scrap car removal services offer the exact pricing. Shop around and get quotes from multiple providers. Ensure that the quotes include details about any additional fees or charges for towing. Comparing offers helps you choose the service that provides the best overall value.

Maintain Proper Documentation

Having the necessary paperwork in order can streamline the process and increase the value of your scrap car. Ensure you have proof of ownership, service records, and relevant documentation. This transparency can instil confidence in the scrap car removal service, leading to better offers.

Negotiate Effectively

Don’t hesitate to negotiate the price with the scrap car removal service. If you have done your research and clearly understand the value of your car, you will be in a better position to negotiate a fair deal. Be open to discussions and choose a service that values your car appropriately.

Choose Environmentally Friendly Disposal

Opt for scrap car removal services that prioritise environmentally friendly disposal methods. Some services may offer additional incentives for cars with eco-friendly disposal potential. Recycling and environmentally conscious practices can contribute to a higher scrap car value.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What factors determine the scrap value of a car?

The scrap value of a car depends on various factors, including its make, model, age, condition, and weight. The current market demand for scrap metal and salvageable parts also significantly determines the overall value.

Is it worth removing parts before scrapping a car?

Removing valuable and functional parts before scrapping a car can be worth it. Parts like the battery, alternator, starter motor, and entertainment system may have resale value. Selling these parts separately can increase the overall returns from scrapping the car.

How can I compare scrap car removal services effectively?

To compare scrap car removal services, obtain quotes from multiple providers. Ensure the quotes include all relevant details, such as towing fees and additional charges. Comparing offers allows you to choose a service that provides the best overall value for your scrap car.

What documentation is required for scrapping a car?

Proper documentation, including proof of ownership, service records, and relevant paperwork, is essential for scrapping a car. Having the necessary paperwork in order can streamline the process and increase the value offered by scrap car removal services.


Increasing the value of your scrap car involves a combination of strategic decisions and thorough research. By understanding the factors that affect the value, removing valuable parts, comparing quotes, maintaining proper documentation, negotiating effectively, and choosing environmentally friendly disposal, you can optimise the returns on your old vehicle. When it’s time to part ways with your scrap car, follow these smart ways to ensure you get the best value in return.


For reliable scrap car removal services in Perth, contact Car Removal Perth at 0412 119 053. Our team is committed to providing efficient and value-driven solutions for your old and unwanted vehicles.